英 ['destɪnɪ]美['dɛstəni]
- n. 命运,定数,天命
- n. (Destiny)人名;(英)德斯蒂尼,德斯蒂妮(女名)
复数: destinies;
destiny 命运
词源同destination, 目的的。用于神学名词命运。
- destiny
- destiny: [14] Etymologically, one’s destiny is that which has been firmly established or determined for one (as if by fate). The word comes from destinee, the Old French descendant of Latin dēstinātus. This was the past participle of dēstināre ‘make firm, establish’, a compound verb formed from the intensive prefix dē- and *stanāre ‘fix’ (source also of English obstinate). This in turn was a derivative of stare ‘stand’, a relative of English stand. The Latin verb also gave English destine [14] and hence destination [15], whose current use comes from an earlier place of destination ‘place for which one is bound’.
=> destination, obstinate, stand - destiny (n.)
- mid-14c., from Old French destinée (12c.) "purpose, intent, fate, destiny; that which is destined," noun use of fem. past participle of destiner, from Latin destinare "make firm, establish" (see destination). The sense is of "that which has been firmly established," as by fate.
- 1. It is my destiny one day to be king.
- 我命中注定有一天要成为国王。
- 2. Destiny has ordained that they are who they are.
- 命运已经决定了他们的性格为人。
- 3. He departed this world with a sense of having fulfilled his destiny.
- 他带着一种已完成使命的满足感离开了这个世界。
- 4. She had always been mistress of her own destiny.
- 她总是能够掌握自己的命运。
- 5. Is it destiny that brings people together, or is it accident?
- 人们的相遇是天意还是偶然?